DIY Buckwheat Relaxation Pillows

Buckwheat hull pillows have become popular for their ability to mold to the contours of your head and neck, providing customized support whether you sleep on your back, side, or stomach. The hulls shift as you move, keeping your spine aligned and relieving pressure points that can cause neck, shoulder, and back pain. Buckwheat’s breathability also helps keep you cool.

While manufactured buckwheat pillows can be expensive, you can easily make your own at home for a fraction of the cost using simple materials. Follow this step-by-step guide to creating your own customizable and therapeutic buckwheat pillows:

Choose Your Materials

– Buckwheat Hulls – You’ll need about 3-5 pounds of untreated, raw buckwheat hulls to fill an average size pillow. Check agricultural supply stores or online retailers.

– Pillow Casing – Opt for a breathable cotton casing in your preferred size. Aim for an oversized case to allow for adjustable fill. You can reuse an old pillowcase or sew your own from cotton fabric.

– Funnel – A large plastic funnel will make filling the pillowcases easier. Look for one with at least a 8-10 inch diameter spout.

– Sewing Essentials – Have ready a ruler, fabric scissors, straight pins, hand sewing needle, and thread that matches your fabric. Polyester thread has more strength.

Make the Pillowcase

If sewing your own pillowcase from fabric, first decide on the dimensions. Standard bed pillows are around 20″ x 26″ but you can customize as needed.

Cut your fabric to be double the length and width of your finished size to account for folding over. For example, for a 20″ x 26″ pillow, cut the fabric to be 40″ x 52″.

Hem the raw edges by folding over 1/4″ and sewing. Then, fold the fabric in half matching the edges and sew up the sides, leaving one short end open.

Turn the pillowcase right side out and iron flat. Fold in the open end another 1/4″ and sew closed. Now the casing is ready to be filled.

Fill the Pillowcase

Work over a large bin or sheet to catch any spills. Place the funnel in the pillowcase opening. Scoop the buckwheat hulls into the funnel, shaking the pillowcase occasionally to distribute them evenly.

For a firm pillow, fill almost to capacity. For a softer feel, use less fill leaving 4-6 inches of space unfilled at the top. The hulls will settle over time so account for that extra space now.

Remove the funnel then tightly roll and fold the open end closed. Put safety pins in place temporarily to keep the hulls from escaping.

Customize the Fill

Since buckwheat conforms to your shape, you may need to adjust the amount of fill to get your perfect comfort and support.

To add more hulls, carefully open a pinned corner, pour in additional fill, then re-close.

To remove excess, open a corner and reach in to scoop out handfuls until your desired softness is reached.

Once the fill level feels right, permanently close the pillow by stitching the open end securely shut. Add some extra stitches across the pillowcase for durability since the hulls will shift around inside.

Tips for Making Buckwheat Pillows

– Buckwheat hulls have an earthy, nutty scent when new but this fades over time. Air out your pillow occasionally.

– Store any leftover hulls in an airtight container to keep them fresh.

– Choose a high quality cotton fabric with a tight weave for maximum durability.

– For fullness, fill pillows slightly overcapacity then remove handfuls until comfortable.

– Adding a zipper closure makes removing/adding fill easier but requires more sewing skills.

– Organic wool or silk fabric can provide added softness and heat regulation.

– For a more uniform fill, combine buckwheat with a base layer of foam or cotton balls.

– Avoid prolonged direct sunlight which can bleach the hulls over time.

Caring for Your Buckwheat Pillows

– Buckwheat hulls are naturally hypoallergenic and resistant to dust mites.

– Prolong the life of your pillows by using pillow protectors and washing cases regularly.

– Fluff and reshake the pillows daily to redistribute the hulls.

– To sanitize, place pillows in freezer bags and freeze overnight.

– Air out pillows in the sun occasionally to reduce moisture and odor.

– Refill or add hulls over time as they compress down. A pillow may need refilled every 1-2 years.

– Discard old hulls in compost or as pet bedding.

DIY Buckwheat Neck Pillow

For extra neck support, you can create a buckwheat pillow designed specifically for the cervical area:

– Cut fabric into a 10” x 16” rectangle. Sew into a tube shape that fits snugly around your neck.

– Fill about 1/3 with hulls and sew ends shut. The less fill, the more flexibility to customize shape.

– Bend the pillow into a U shape and secure with safety pins. Adjust the thickness and position for your perfect fit.

– Sew velcro strips in place to close and keep the pillow wrapped securely around your neck while in use.

– For comfort and moisture wicking, wrap the pillow in a cotton cover before use.

– Take care not to make the neck pillow too thick, or it may strain your neck. Adjust fill until comfortable.

With some simple sewing skills and buckwheat hulls, you can create your own custom-filled pillows and enjoy their many relaxation and health benefits. The conforms to your body, relieves pressure points, and stays cool for blissful comfort. Your homemade buckwheat pillows will have you resting easy.

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