How to Make a Probiotic Deodorant Bar (Easy Recipe)

Deodorant bars have become increasingly popular in recent years as more people look for natural alternatives to conventional deodorants and antiperspirants. Not only are natural deodorants better for your health by avoiding potentially harmful chemicals, but they can also be better for the environment by reducing plastic waste from disposable deodorant containers.

One of the most innovative types of natural deodorant is a probiotic deodorant bar. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can help promote a healthy microbiome on your skin. By applying these good bacteria to your underarms, they can help prevent odor-causing bacteria from thriving. This makes probiotic deodorants a great option if you tend to have body odor issues.

The good news is that probiotic deodorant bars are easy to make at home using just a few simple ingredients. Below is an easy recipe for how to make your own probiotic deodorant bar at home.

Ingredients Needed:

– 1/4 cup coconut oil – Coconut oil has antibacterial properties to fight odor. It also helps provide a solid structure for the deodorant bar.

– 1/4 cup baking soda – Baking soda helps neutralize odors and absorbs moisture. This helps prevent bacteria growth.

– 2 tablespoons arrowroot powder – Arrowroot helps absorb moisture and adds a smooth texture.

– 2 tablespoons cornstarch – Like arrowroot, cornstarch helps control moisture and odors.

– 1 teaspoon vitamin E oil – Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps soothe and protect skin.

– 10 drops essential oil (optional) – Essential oils provide scent. Lavender, tea tree, and lemon are great choices.

– 1 probiotic capsule – This adds the live active probiotic bacteria to create the probiotic effect.

Equipment Needed:

– Mixing bowl
– Spoon
– Silicone mold or container for pouring
– Cheesecloth

Step 1 – Make the Base
Start by adding the coconut oil, baking soda, arrowroot powder, and cornstarch to a small mixing bowl. Use a spoon to stir together until a paste forms.

Coconut oil will be solid at cool temperatures. If your oil is solid, simply melt it first by placing the jar in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes.

Step 2 – Add the Vitamin E Oil
Once the base ingredients are fully combined, next add in the vitamin E oil. The vitamin E will help bind the ingredients together while conditioning your skin.

Stir everything together well until fully incorporated.

Step 3 – Add Essential Oils (Optional)
At this point, you can add in any essential oils you want for scent. Good options include lavender, tea tree, lemongrass, or lemon. Just add in 10 drops of your chosen essential oil(s) and stir in.

Step 4 – Open the Probiotic Capsule
Grab your probiotic capsule. Carefully break it open with your fingers and pour the powdered contents into the bowl.

You want to make sure to capture all the probiotic powder and add it to the mixture. The probiotics are delicate, so handle them gently.

Step 5 – Mix the Probiotic In
Use your spoon to thoroughly mix in the probiotic powder. Make sure it is fully incorporated throughout the deodorant base.

Step 6 – Pour the Mixture
Once mixed, pour your probiotic deodorant mixture into molds or containers. Small silicone molds or mini bar soap molds work great.

Tap the molds firmly on the counter to release any air bubbles.

Step 7 – Allow to Set
Let your deodorant bars fully set up and harden in the refrigerator or freezer for at least an hour before removing from the molds. Then allow them to cure for 24-48 hours at room temperature.

The initial chill helps them solidify quickly, while the room temperature cure allows them to harden fully.

How to Use Your Probiotic Deodorant Bars
Using your homemade probiotic deodorant bars is easy! Simply glide the bar over clean underarms whenever needed just like you would any deodorant.

The natural ingredients will help neutralize odors and absorb moisture, while the probiotics work to create a healthy microbial balance. Make sure to fully rub in any white residue left behind.

Depending on your activity level, you may need to reapply once or twice per day. Listen to your body!

Tips for Making Probiotic Deodorant Bars:

– Play around with the essential oil scents to create your favorite blend. Citrus and mint oils work great.

– Try using different types of probiotic capsules to offer unique skin benefits. Lactobacillus acidophilus is a good start.

– Cocoa butter, shea butter, or mango butter can be substituted for the coconut oil for a different consistency.

– If your bars become too soft, try adding a little more baking soda or cornstarch. Too crumbly, add more oil.

– Make sure your mixing bowl and tools are completely clean before starting for the best results.

– Wipe down the molds with rubbing alcohol before pouring in the mixture to sterilize them.

– Letting the finished bars cure for the full 48 hours ensures they harden properly before use.

Probiotic Deodorant Bar Benefits:

There are many excellent benefits to using homemade probiotic deodorant bars:

1. Avoid Harmful Chemicals – Conventional antiperspirants/deodorants often contain concerning ingredients like aluminum, parabens, phthalates, and triclosan. Probiotic bars use only natural ingredients.

2. Reduce Odor – The probiotics balance your armpit microbiome to prevent bacterial overgrowth that causes odor. Essential oils also help neutralize smelly compounds.

3. Absorb Moisture – Ingredients like baking soda, arrowroot, and cornstarch all help absorb sweat and moisture. This creates a drier underarm environment.

4. Soothe Skin – Calming oils like coconut oil, vitamin E, and lavender provide soothing and softening effects for underarm skin.

5. Prevent Rashes/Irritation – The natural formula avoids chemicals that can cause itchy rashes or irritation for sensitive underarm skin.

6. Long-Lasting – Depending on your sweat levels, probiotic bars can last multiple weeks with daily use, reducing waste from disposable plastic deodorant containers.

7. Natural Scents – Essential oils let you personalize your bar with natural scents you enjoy. No fake fragrances.

8. Plastic-Free – Homemade bars reduce single-use plastics compared to buying conventional deodorant containers.

9. DIY Customization – Making your own allows you to pick your preferred ingredients based on your needs and sensitivities.

10. Saves Money – A batch of homemade bars costs just a few dollars compared to expensive natural deodorants on the market.

As you can see, probiotic deodorant bars are an easy, affordable, and healthy alternative for naturally fighting body odor. By making your own at home, you can control exactly what ingredients are used while reaping all the microbiome-balancing benefits of probiotics.

While the initial process may take some experimentation to master, once you get your recipe dialed in, these probiotic bars make a simple, fuss-free daily deodorant. So give this easy DIY recipe a try and say goodbye to body odor and chemicals for good!

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