Maitake Mushroom Benefits (and Why You Need it!)

Maitake mushrooms, also known as hen-of-the-woods or ram’s head, are a delicious edible mushroom packed with health benefits. Here’s why you need to add maitake mushrooms to your diet.

What are Maitake Mushrooms?

Maitake mushrooms (Grifola frondosa) are a large, clustered mushroom that grows at the base of trees, especially oak trees. They can grow to be quite large, up to 50 pounds! Maitake is Japanese for “dancing mushroom” – probably because people danced for joy when they found these tasty treats in the forest.

These mushrooms have been used for centuries in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine for their health boosting properties. Modern research is now confirming what these ancient healers knew – maitake mushrooms contain some incredible health promoting compounds.

Let’s explore all the ways maitake mushrooms can improve your health.

Maitake Mushrooms Nutrition Facts

Maitake mushrooms are low in calories but packed with nutrition. Some of the vitamins, minerals and other beneficial compounds found in maitake include:

– Protein
– Fiber
– Vitamin D
– Niacin (B3)
– Riboflavin (B2)
– Folate (B9)
– Potassium
– Phosphorus
– Magnesium
– Zinc
– Manganese
– Copper
– Plant-based omega 3 fatty acids
– Beta-glucans
– Antioxidants such as polyphenols

The star components in maitake mushrooms are the beta-glucans and antioxidants. Let’s look closer at the research on these two powerhouse nutrients.

Maitake Mushrooms Benefit 1: Beta-Glucans for Immunity

Beta-glucans are complex sugar molecules that have major benefits for the immune system. Studies have shown beta-glucans can improve immune function by:

– Activating immune cells such as macrophages and natural killer cells
– Increasing immune stimulating cytokines
– Enhancing antibody production
– Preventing excessive inflammation after an infection or injury

By ramping up the activity level of our immune defenses, beta-glucans provide increased protection against invading bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. Research also indicates beta-glucans may help prevent or treat upper respiratory tract infections like colds, flu and bronchitis.

Maitake mushrooms contain high amounts of beta-1,6 glucan and beta-1,3 glucan – two forms of beta-glucans linked to better immunity. Eating maitake mushrooms regularly can help keep your immune system in top working order.

Maitake Mushrooms Benefit 2: Cancer Fighting Properties

In addition to boosting everyday immunity, the beta-glucans in maitake mushrooms exert specific anti-cancer effects.

Studies on beta-glucans show they can slow or prevent cancer growth by:

– Enhancing the ability of immune cells to find and destroy cancer cells
– Preventing the growth of new blood vessels in tumors (anti-angiogenesis)
– Blocking receptors used by cancer cells to grow and spread
– Increasing cancer cell suicide (apoptosis)

In addition to the beta-glucans, maitake mushrooms contain other anti-cancer compounds:

– Antioxidants such as polyphenols protect cells from DNA damage that can lead to cancer
– Vitamin D activates genes that inhibit cancer proliferation and spread
– Selenium boosts immune cell cancer killing power

Research on mushroom extracts suggest they may be useful additions to conventional cancer treatments. Maitake mushroom extracts have shown particular promise against breast, lung, prostate and liver cancers.

While more studies are needed, adding immune boosting and cancer fighting maitake mushrooms to your diet is a wise choice.

Maitake Mushroom Benefit 3: Blood Sugar Regulation

Chronically high blood sugar levels create oxidative stress and inflammation – two conditions involved in nearly every chronic disease, especially diabetes. Anything we can do to stabilize blood sugar is a good idea.

Here’s where maitake mushrooms can help again. Animal studies report extracts of maitake mushrooms can lower blood sugar and insulin levels after a carb heavy meal. The beta-glucans and antioxidants in maitake appear to block some of the negative effects of sugar and refined carbs on the body.

Human studies show maitake mushroom extracts improve insulin sensitivity and stabilize blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. Researchers think maitake mushrooms may also help protect and regenerate insulin producing cells in the pancreas.

Maitake Mushroom Benefit 4: Weight Loss

Obesity is another risk factor for many different diseases. With about 40% of American adults obese, effective weight loss strategies are urgently needed. Could maitake mushrooms help?

Research on obese mice found maitake mushroom extracts decreased body weight gain, reduced fat accumulation and lowered triglycerides. The beta-glucans and other compounds in maitake mushrooms appear to ramp up fat burning while inhibiting new fat storage.

In a small human study, taking maitake mushroom extracts for 12 weeks resulted in an average 11 pound weight loss without any special diet or exercise. Larger clinical studies are needed, but these early findings are promising.

The beta-glucans and antioxidants in maitake mushrooms make them an excellent functional food for weight management.

Maitake Mushroom Benefit 5: Cholesterol Optimization

High LDL cholesterol is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. But did you know your HDL cholesterol levels are just as important?

HDL is the “good” form of cholesterol that removes excess cholesterol from arteries and takes it back to the liver for recycling or removal. Higher HDL levels equal lower risk for plaque buildup and heart disease.

Animal research indicates maitake mushroom extracts can lower total cholesterol while raising protective HDL cholesterol. The specific compounds and mechanisms involved are still under investigation. But the results suggest maitake can help optimize cholesterol levels.

Maitake Mushroom Benefit 6: Blood Pressure Reduction

Along with cholesterol, high blood pressure is the other main risk factor for strokes, heart attacks and heart disease. The beta-glucans in maitake mushroom extracts have been shown to decrease blood pressure in rats with hypertension.

Human studies also report blood pressure lowering effects. In one trial, taking maitake mushroom extracts daily for 12 weeks reduced systolic blood pressure by around 5 mm Hg. That may not seem like much, but a reduction of only 2 mm Hg could decrease deaths from strokes by 10% and from heart disease by 7%.

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of maitake mushrooms likely dilate blood vessels while enhancing cell sensitivity to insulin – two actions that support healthy blood pressure.

Maitake Mushroom Benefit 7: Liver Protection

Your hard working liver filters out toxins, produces bile to help digest fats, and performs over 500 essential functions. It’s critical to keep your liver healthy.

Maitake mushrooms contain selenium, vitamin D and antioxidants that protect liver cells from damage that leads to liver disease. Maitake extracts have been shown to guard against liver toxicity in animal studies.

Research also suggests maitake mushrooms slow the progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Limiting fat accumulation, blocking oxidative stress and improving insulin sensitivity are some of the ways maitake supports liver health.

Maitake Mushroom Benefit 8: Nerve Pain Relief

Neuropathic pain caused by nerve damage is difficult to treat with conventional pain medications. However, some natural compounds can be quite effective.

The beta-glucans and antioxidants in maitake mushroom extracts exhibit significant pain relieving effects in research on rats with diabetic neuropathy and sciatic nerve pain. Maitake appears to reduce oxidative damage to nerve cells while increasing levels of natural painkillers like beta-endorphins.

Maitake mushrooms may provide a useful natural alternative for relieving different types of chronic nerve pain. More clinical studies are needed to confirm their benefits.

Maitake Mushroom Benefit 9: Enhanced Exercise Performance

Exercise is vital for maintaining good health as we age. Anything we can do to enhance exercise capacity allows for longer, more vigorous workouts.

Studies report maitake mushroom extracts taken before exercise increase the distance runners and swimmers can cover before exhaustion. Beta-glucans and antioxidants reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in muscle tissues, supporting improved endurance.

In one study, athletes drinking maitake tea for 30 days dropped an average of 3.3 seconds on a 25 meter swim test. These are significant performance improvements from a simple, natural supplement like maitake mushrooms.

Maitake Mushroom Benefit 10: Anti-Aging

By combating oxidative stress, inflammation, excess weight and other factors underlying age-related disease development, maitake mushrooms have anti-aging effects at the cellular level.

Maitake mushrooms contain compounds that activate FOXO proteins involved in cell growth and longevity. They also increase production of heat shock proteins which prevent protein misfolding as cells age.

Through these and other mechanisms, maitake mushrooms support healthy cell function and delay aging processes. Consuming maitake mushrooms provides a double benefit – keeping you healthier now while slowing your rate of aging.

How to Use Maitake Mushrooms

Now that you know all the ways maitake mushrooms benefit your health, let’s look at the best ways to use them.

– Add fresh maitake mushrooms to stir fries, soups and sauces. They have a rich, earthy flavor that enhances many dishes.

– Use maitake mushrooms to make mushroom broth, a nutritional powerhouse. Simmer fresh or dried maitake in water for 8 hours, strain and drink the mineral rich broth.

– Consider maitake mushroom extracts in capsule, powder or liquid forms. These provide concentrated immune and health enhancing compounds.

– Maitake mushroom tea offers easy access to these medicinal mushrooms. Use dried maitake pieces to infuse hot water.

– Cook with maitake mushroom powder for a nutritional boost in dips, sauces, baked goods or smoothies.

– Try tempeh maitake burgers for a healthy, meatless meal with the magic of mushrooms.

Any way you include them in your diet, maitake mushrooms provide a big health boost in a small, tasty package. Growing or foraging your own maitake mushrooms allows free access to these fungal healing treasures of nature. Now that you know all the ways maitake mushrooms benefit your body and mind, get creative with how you add these healthy fungi to your meals.

The Bottom Line on Maitake Mushroom Benefits

Maitake mushrooms are an edible fungus that provide a powerful health boost. They contain beta-glucans that enhance immune function and provide anti-cancer activity. Maitake mushrooms also stabilize blood sugar, promote weight loss, optimize cholesterol, reduce blood pressure, protect the liver, relieve nerve pain, boost exercise endurance and slow aging.

Considering all these benefits, it’s easy to see why maitake mushrooms have been prized components of traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine for centuries. Modern research is now confirming the health promoting properties of maitakes.

Add maitake mushrooms to soups, stir fries and sauces or drink maitake tea to take advantage of this healthy fungus. Consuming maitake mushrooms regularly can improve your health and vitality at any age.

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